Jennifer M. Clegg
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology | Texas State University
Peer Reviewed Articles
Google is often faster at updating than I am! For an up to date list, please visit Google Scholar.
Children’s ideas about what can really happen: The impact of age and religious background.
Payir, A., McLoughlin, N., Cui, Y. K., Davoodi, T., Clegg, J.M., Harris, P. L., & Corriveau, K. (2021, in press). Cognitive Science.
If I told you everyone picked that (inefficient) tool, would you? Children attend to normative language when
imitating and transmitting tool use.
DiYanni, C.J., Clegg, J.M., & Corriveau, K.H. (2021, in press). Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Exploring diverse parents’ influence on the development of their children’s scientific and religious beliefs in the United States, Iran, and China.
McLoughlin, N., Davoodi, T., Cui, Y. K., Clegg, J. M., Harris, P.L., & Corriveau, K. H. (2021, in press). Journal of Cognition and Culture.
Teaching through collaboration: Flexibility and diversity in caregiver-child interaction across cultures.
J.M. Clegg, N.J. Wen, P.H. DeBaylo, A. Alcott, E. Keltner, & C.H. Legare (2020). Child Development.
PDF | For data associated with article, email with request.
Does religiosity lead to a devaluation of science? Evidence from the USA, China, and Iran.
A. Payir, T. Davoodi, Y.K. Cui, J.M. Clegg, P.L. Harris, & K.H. Corriveau (2020). International Journal of Psychology. PDF
Epistemic justifications for belief in the unobservable: The impact of minority status.
T. Davoodi*, Y.K. Cui*, J.M. Clegg, P.L. Harris & K.H. Corriveau (2020). Cognition. *Denotes equal contribution
Religious testimony in a secular society: Belief in unobservable entities among Chinese parents and their children.
Y.K. Cui, J.M. Clegg, E.F. Yan, T. Davoodi, T., P.L. Harris, & , K.H. Corriveau (2020). Developmental Psychology.
Trust me, I’m a competent expert: Developmental differences in children’s use of an expert’s explanation quality to infer trustworthiness.
J.M. Clegg, K.E. Kurkul, & K.H. Corriveau (2019). Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
For data associated with article, email with request.
God, germs, & evolution: Belief in unobservable religious and scientific entities in the U.S. and China.
J.M. Clegg, Y.K. Cui, P.L. Harris, & K.H. Corriveau (2019). Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science.
For data associated with article, email with request.
Evolutionary developmental psychology: 2017 redux.
C.H. Legare, J.M. Clegg, & N.J. Wen (2018). Child Development.
Smart conformists: Children and adolescents associate conformity with intelligence across cultures.
N.J. Wen, J.M. Clegg, & C.H. Legare (2017). Child Development.
Cultural differences in the imitation and transmission of inefficient actions.
K.H. Corriveau, C.J. DiYanni, J.M. Clegg, G. Min, J. Chin, & J. Nasrini (2017). Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Children begin with the same start-up software, but their software updates are cultural.
J.M. Clegg & K.H. Corriveau (2017). Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Is non-conformity WEIRD?: Cultural variation in adults' beliefs about children’s competency and conformity.
J.M. Clegg, N.J. Wen, & C.H. Legare (2017). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Parent scaffolding of flexible imitation in early childhood.
J.M. Clegg & C.H. Legare (2017). Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
A cross-cultural comparison of children’s imitative flexibility.
J.M. Clegg & C.H. Legare (2016). Developmental Psychology.
J.M. Clegg & C.H. Legare (2016). Child Development.
Task-specific effects of ostracism on imitative fidelity in early childhood.
R.E. Watson-Jones, C.H. Legare, H. Whitehouse, and J.M. Clegg (2014). Evolution and Human Behavior.
Book Chapters
The development of children's causal explanations.
C.H. Legare and J.M. Clegg (2015). In S. Robson & S. Flannery Quinn (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Young Children's Thinking and Understanding (pp. 65-73). New York, NY: Routledge.
For manuscripts under review and works in preparation, please see my CV.